講師 主治醫(yī)師 碩士生導師

醫(yī)學博士 (香港大學 口腔臨床醫(yī)學)
醫(yī)學碩士 (武漢大學 口腔臨床醫(yī)學)

2010.11-至今 ? ? ? ? ?中山大學光華口腔醫(yī)學院 講師
2011.02-2014.02 ? ?中山大學光華口腔醫(yī)學院 博士后
2009.12-2010.11 ? ?香港大學牙醫(yī)學院 Research Assistant


1. 2016-2019年,,Foxc2對BMP2誘導牙乳頭干細胞向成牙本質細胞分化的影響及機制研究,,廣東省自然科學基金,,10萬
2. 2015-2018年,,DLX3基因修飾iPS細胞膜片在放療后種植體骨愈合中的作用及機制研究,,國家自然科學基金,,18萬(合作研究者)
3. 2014-2015年,Simodont數字化虛擬仿真培訓系統在口腔臨床教學中的應用,,中山大學實驗教學研究(改革)基金,,2萬
4. 2012-2013年,,重組BMP-2人牙根尖乳頭干細胞的成牙本質特性的研究,,廣東省醫(yī)學科研基金,,0.5萬

1.Zhang W, McGrath C & Lo EC. The Effectiveness of DIAGNOdent in Detecting Root Caries without Dental Scaling among Community-dwelling Elders. Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry; 2016. Accepted.
2.Zhang W, Zhang XL, Ling JQ, Wei X & Jian YT. Osteo-/odontogenic differentiation of BMP2 and VEGF genes co-transfected human stem cells from apical papilla. Molecular Medicine Reports 2016; 13:3747-3754.
3.Zhang W, Zhang XL, Ling JQ, Liu W, Zhang XC, Ma JL & Zheng JM. Proliferation and odontogenic differentiation of BMP2 transfected stem cells from human tooth apical papilla: An in vitro study. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 2014; 34:1004-1012.
4.Zhang W, Liu W, Ling JQ, Lin ZM, Gao Y, Mao XL & Jian YT. Odontogenic differentiation of VEGF gene transfected human dental pulp stem cells in vitro. Molecular Medicine Reports 2014; 10: 1899-1906.
5.Zhang W, McGrath C, Lo EC & Li JY. Silver diamine fluoride and education to prevent and arrest root caries among community-dwelling elders. Caries Research 2013; 47: 284-290.
6.Zhang W, McGrath C, Lo EC. A comparison of root caries diagnosis based on visual-tactile criteria and DIAGNOdent in vivo. Journal of Dentistry 2009; 37: 509-513.
7.Lam OL, Zhang W, Samaranayake LP, Li LS & McGrath C. A systematic review of the effectiveness of oral health promotion activities among patients with cardiovascular disease. International Journal of Cardiology 2011; 151: 261-267.
8.McGrath C, Zhang W & Lo EC. A review of the effectiveness of oral health promotion activities among elderly people, Gerodontology 2009; 26: 85-96.
9.Liu W, Gong QM, Ling JQ, Zhang W, Liu ZH & Quan JJ. Role of miR-424 on angiogenic potential in human dental pulp cells. Journal of Endodontics 2014; 40: 76-82.
10.Zheng J, Mao X, Ling J, Chen C, Zhang W. Role of Magnesium Transporter Subtype 1 (MagT1) in the Osteogenic Differentiation of Rat Bone Marrow Stem Cells. Biol Trace Elem Res 2015; PMID: 26358767. [Epub ahead of print].
11.張文,王冠博,,凌均棨,,劉路,郭敏. Simodont虛擬仿真系統和Kavo仿真頭模在齲病學實驗課教學中的聯合應用. 中華口腔醫(yī)學研究雜志(電子版) 2015; 9: 226-231.
12.張文,,張婧. 下頜第二前磨牙牛牙癥伴C型根管的顯微治療一例. 中華口腔醫(yī)學研究雜志(電子版) 2014; 8: 249-251.
13.張文,,彭彬. 下頜前牙根管根尖部形態(tài)的影像學研究. 中華口腔醫(yī)學研究雜志(電子版) 2013; 7: 5-8.
14.張文,肖斌,,孫鋇. 上頜尖牙S形根管一例. 實用口腔醫(yī)學雜志 2013, 30: 133-135.
15.張文,,彭彬,陳智,,邊專,,樊明文. 487顆下頜前牙根管的彎曲情況研究. 口腔醫(yī)學研究2005; 21:47-49.

2013年 高露潔口腔醫(yī)學教育獎四等獎

廣東省口腔醫(yī)學會 牙體牙髓病學專業(yè)委員會 青年委員

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